Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011


So, finally we planned some lives we'll definately go to:

1.Lycaon / ベルベット / LuLu / ダウナー / DIAURA / MoNoLith / Re:Dis
2.ReivieЯ / L~Lotus~ / トーマス
3.Acid Cherry King / Para:noir / DOPES. / XodiacK / エルム / ダウナー
4.yuina / アンド / Moran
5.xtripx one man
6.-OZ- / Royz / EAT YOU ALIVE cat one man
8.VIRULENT / 一兎 / 他
9.: RED universe / DEPAIN / Acid Cherry King / Robin Kampf Alfread / XI / 他
10.NEGA / Megaromania / ALSDEAD / 我羇道 / ギャロ / VII-Sense / TRIGGAH / SCAPEGOAT / Secilia Luna

so great. I will get to see almost every of my favorite bands.

Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011


I just woke up some minutes ago. And I am still super excited I must say. Yesterday when talking to Momo on the phone I was all like ' hah, if only Gakido would play when we're in Japan' and just for fun I looked them up on visunavi. AND GUESS WHAT? I found the live with the most amazing line up ever.

8月2日(火) OPEN 15:30/START 16:00 前売券:\3,500(D別)
場所:高田馬場CLUB PHASE 当日券:\4,000(D別)
問合せ:CLUB PHASE 03-5911-2777
出演アーティスト:NEGA / Megaromania / ALSDEAD / 我羇道 / ギャロ / VII-Sense / TRIGGAH / SCAPEGOAT / Secilia Luna

Hah, just hope we'll get a ticket. ANYWAYS. I am still so happy about this. hahaha.


yep, I'm terribly excited. There isn't much time left until our holiday and thinking about it gets me in an awesome mood. njdhwejwef.
